
Monday, April 20, 2009

Public Speaking 101

Its important to know how to get your audiences attention. As well as
keeping their focus. Your presentation has got to be interesting. As
well as engaging. There are products in the market on how to say
key points to the issue at hand. How to stand. As well as how to talk,
wording wise. And, always arrive early enough to get your props
ready: over-head projector, materials that are to be used ready. It is a
great idea to practice your approach at work somehow, as well as at
home with your family. The more conferences you attend the more
exposure you will have, the you will are better you will be. For those
who are getting into public speaking good luck. I hope u do well.
There are schools in your area that can make you top notch. And
companies appreciate those extra efforts. And, lets not forget how you
look in the meeting. You have to look the part, as well.

Suit, tie, the works. You have to do the homework. Going to a
warehouse,.. finding that special suite that is custom fits you is a vital
key to success. And knowing how to walk in it says a lot as well. That
calm, cool and collected strut. And we can't forget the polished shoes.
Preferable they match the suite. And, glossier the better. Nice satin
white shirt & tye with that gray suite. And, you can't forget the vest has
to gray. Or gray satin shirt and tye with that black suite. If you wanted
to experiment gray shirt & tye with that black suite. It also helps if you
are thin or have a little meat on your bones. It would be a good idea to
buff up if need be. You may not be taken seriously if you are
overweight. Depending on your crowd. You maybe an insurance liability
to the company.

Lets not forget body language. You need to be still, calm,
and know how
to handle yourself in front of a lot of people. Hand gestures are important
as well in pointing out certain aspects of the issue. Knowing what not to
do. And, eye to eye contact is always important. In order for them to take
you seriously.

Being early also helps as well. Getting your presentation ready
is vital.
Practicing a little can also help. As when people come to your meeting,..
it is also important to greet them. Make sure you have refreshments as
well on a table close to them or where they will be seated. Feed them will
make a long lasting impression. Along with a fantastic presentation.
Keeping it clear, clean, and again to the point. And make it as quick as
possible. And always ask people if they understand the information being
presented to them. And, encourage if anybody doesn't understand
raise their hand. Good luck.
Have a great day one and all. Let me know what you all think about my
Thank you for your time.
Also.. chec out my merchandise:
I hope u all like it.
Please read my other article on pain and sadness.. there is help..